Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Patriotic Flag Craft

Supplies needed
Popsicle stick or larger tongue depressor stick
White cardstock
Blue paper (construction paper/scrapbook paper/etc.)
Red ribbon
Silver star stickers (or paper stars if you have a star punch)
Elmer's glue

I did this as an alternative to the very cute flag craft found here:  http://www.vanessasvalues.blogspot.com/2013/07/create-with-kids-popsicle-stick-flag.html 
Although I love the popsicle sticks, I needed something a little faster, easier, and less messy to put together that did not require hot glue and paint since I was doing this craft with a group of 4-6 year olds.  I also prepped everything ahead of time-- I had the white and blue papers cut to size as well as the ribbons cut to size, so all they needed to do with glue the pieces together and stick their star stickers on!